Friday, May 16, 2014

the theme of the painting memory book

These paintings reflecting,,, reflection someone stored in glass, bookkeeping, and try to save in the historical record, it is appended to be kenagan, to be a reminder, where we will recall,,, something that never happened, where the future is full of memories, to remember back, memories, memories, which is full of ... story.

the theme of the painting memory book

Sunday, April 27, 2014

the theme painting is threshold restless

      This painting depicts the tip of the index finger pointing his finger. at the tip of the index finger there is an animal,,, ant his name, he was trying to find a way to get out, from the end of the road. the ants in condition, insulated tip of place, where he should be thinking about how he could get out

     the theme painting is threshold restless

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Theme Painting is Whisk Eggs

      This painting depicts the life we usually also often experience, or we also see akitivitas this activity, especially the activity is done in the kitchen. as the activity becomes activities housewife mothers,, this is a person's activity, where eggs, beaten once, in the glass for several minutes, until the egg mixture of egg yolk, the egg white, the next step for spilling fried egg, as shown the paintings brought this.

the theme painting is catching dragonflies

     his painting is a portrait of hand holding, hands employed, using the hands, the left, the left hand holding a small animal Whose name dragonfly, dragonfly, part of the animals that can fly, 
    This is an activity yan usually done by small children, playing games, with the animal whose name dragonfly